Customer Support

I need to change the card that will get charged for my next payment.

  • Updated
  1. Login to your account at using the email address used at purchase.

    If you purchased as a guest, simply click "Forgot Password?" and you will be prompted to create a password which will grant you access to your account.
  2. Once logged in, click your name on the top right-hand part of your screen. Then, click your email address.Screen_Shot_2022-03-04_at_11.52.37_AM.png

  3. On your Dashboard, click the DETAILS button by the order on a payment plan.

  4. Click "Edit" next to the current credit card on file for your payment plan.Screen_Shot_2022-03-04_at_11.29.22_AM.png

  5. Enter the new card info you'd like to use and click SAVE.Screen_Shot_2022-03-04_at_11.33.17_AM.png

  6. Your new card will not be charged right away. This will be the card your next payment automatically withdraws from.

To see when your next payment will be withdrawn, just click the PLAN DETAILS button: Screen_Shot_2022-03-04_at_11.30.12_AM.png

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